Associates partner with the Sisters of St. Francis in radically living gospel values of active nonviolence and peacemaking. Associates espouse compassion, diversity, equality, and inclusivity as they respond to God’s love.
Associates respond to a desire to embrace the Clinton Franciscan mission. They aspire to understand and embody the mission of active nonviolence and peacemaking by living it more deeply in their daily life. They are nourished by mutual support, fellowship, and relationships shared with the Sisters of St. Francis, Sojourners, and each other. Regular gatherings, common prayer, and Franciscan study enrich their commitment to the mission.
Interested in becoming an Associate? Click HERE for more information.
"The inclusive vision of the founding members of the Associate Partnership opened the door for my husband and I to develop a caring, supportive, and spiritual connection with the Sisters of St. Francis as we study, pray, and socialize together."
- Associate Kathy Youmans Driscoll
Associate Coordinator: Anne Martin Phelan, OSF
Active Association
Helen Bleth
Barbara Brinkman
Maureen Collins
Deacon Arthur Donart, S.F.O., PhD.
Brian Driscoll
Kathy Youmans Driscoll
Sharon Gebauer
Mary Jo Harper
Sandra Jacobs
Deborah Jacobsen
Marion Johnson
Lanie Lass
Norma Lindsey
Annette Mootz-Hinsch
Rita Mulholland
Joyce Ollie
Lodi Pippen
Allan Rathje
JoAnn Snodgrass
Sandra Walshon
Prayer Association
Cindy Barnhart
Brenda Connell
Mary Anne Enoch
Ellen Flores
Beverly Goebel
Agnes Johnson
Robert Ketelsen
Denise McCarthy
Robert McCarthy
Mary Rickerl
Mary Ann Ryk
Concepcion Saldivar
Beth Van Conia