Laudato Si' Action Platform

The Clinton Franciscans have responded to an appeal to join with Catholics across the globe to work collaboratively toward building a better world for generations to come.  The Laudato Si' Action Platform movement involves seven diverse sectors:  families, parishes and dioceses, educational institutions, healthcare institutions, organizations and groups, the economic sector, and religious orders. Each sector is being asked to embark on the seven-year plan to live out the calling of Laudato Sí: On Care for Our Common Home – the landmark encyclical released by Pope Francis in 2015.


In Laudato Sí, Pope Francis urges us to undergo an “ecological conversion,” one that develops our awareness of the relationships between Creator, creation, and all of humanity. This ecological conversion, he says, is not something we experience once, but rather a continued enrichment of our spirits and a deepening of our understanding. It is a process of acknowledging our contribution to the social and ecological crisis and acting in ways that nurture healing and renewing our common home. 


The term “integral ecology” is an important theme that is woven through Laudato Sí.  It refers to the interconnection of care for creation, human dignity, and the disproportionate impact of climate change and environmental degradation on the poor and vulnerable.  In Laudato Sí, Pope Francis makes clear that our care for one another and our care for the Earth are intimately connected, noting that humanity is not faced “with two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but rather one complex crisis that is both social and environmental”.


The action plan that the Clinton Franciscans have committed to creating will cover seven focus areas: a response to the cry of the Earth, a response to the cry of the poor, ecological economics, adoption of sustainable lifestyles, ecological education, ecological spirituality, community engagement, and participatory action.


Click here to read our Laudato Si' Action Plan for 2024-2025


Click here to read our Laudato Si' Action Plan for 2023-2024


Click here to read our Laudato Si' Action Plan for 2022


Click here to read our LSAP Commitment Statement


Living Out Our Commitment: