
"Clinton Franciscans, chosen by God and bonded in community, are called to a life of service to others. As ministers, we serve willingly and give from the fullness of that which we have received."

- Constitutions and Directives,
Sisters of St. Francis, Clinton, Iowa

The Sisters of St. Francis, Clinton, Iowa, is a congregation of women religious drawn to the teachings of St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi. We make the public vows of chastity, poverty, obedience, and rely on our liberating power to sustain us in our mission of living and promoting active nonviolence and peacemaking.


Like women religious throughout the world, we serve the people of God wherever and however we are called. We direct our energies to peacemaking, service to marginalized persons, and care of creation, all within the context of active nonviolence and ongoing conversion.


Our ministries are as varied as the individuals who make up our community. Drawing on our diversity of strengths and passions, we minister through:


  • Prayer and contemplation

  • Peace and justice advocacy

  • Education and rehabilitative services

  • Pastoral and health care

  • Religious education

  • Spiritual direction


We also serve people who are: immigrants, developmentally disabled, elderly and infirmed, and living on the margins. We minister in four states – Iowa, Illinois, California, and Oregon. An interactive historical map of the Sisters of St. Francis and their missions is available HERE. 


To learn more about becoming a vowed member of our congregation, we invite you to visit our Get Involved section.

Marilyn Barry, OSF

Martinelle Bonnell, OSF

Donna Burke, OSF

Mary Francis Burke, OSF

Mary Lou Carlson, OSF

Janice Cebula, OSF

Ruth Cox, OSF

Gael Gensler, OSF

Eileen Golby, OSF

Ida Green, OSF

Jacqueline Herrmann, OSF

Kathleen Holland, OSF

Marilyn Huegerich, OSF

Carmel Jacobs, OSF

Theresa Judge, OSF

Shawn Kelley, OSF

Virginia Krakow, OSF

Teresa Kunkel, OSF

Annamarie Marcalus, OSF

Ann Martinek, OSF

Sarah Martz, OSF

Jane McCarthy, OSF

William McCue, OSF

Judith McKenna, OSF

Phyllis Morris, OSF

Hilary Mullany, OSF

LaVern Olberding, OSF

Anne Martin Phelan, OSF

Barbara Rosener, OSF

Janet Ryan, OSF

Kathleen Sadler, OSF

Deborah Schneider, OSF

Marilyn Shea, OSF

Dorothy Mae Stolmeier, OSF

Joan Theiss, OSF

Jeanne d’Arc Untz, OSF

Patricia Weldon, OSF

Ruth E. Westmoreland, OSF

Marjorie Wisor, OSF

Maria Zeimen, OSF