Sojourner Relationship

A Sojourner is a person of faith who chooses to live a non-vowed relationship with the Sisters of St. Francis. This relationship is a five-year renewable non-canonical covenant.


Sojourners respond to a covenant call to live and be transformed by the Clinton Franciscan way of life and its mission of living and promoting active nonviolence and peacemaking. Sojourners embrace a commitment to prayer, study, reflection, and conversion of heart. They accept a mentor as they walk a mutually-supportive relationship with the Clinton Franciscan Family. The Sojourner expression is an internally driven and uniquely individual journey nurtured through prayer, contemplation, and action.


A Sojourner shares community within the Clinton Franciscan Family, becoming ever more attentive to the Gospel as lived by Francis and Clare. She/he participates in a process which includes, when possible:


  • living faithfully the mission, corporate stands, and Chapter commitments of the Sisters of St. Francis

  • praying Morning and Evening Prayer

  • deepening her/his personal prayer life

  • attending congregational meetings and gatherings

  • maintaining contact with other Sojourners

  • communicating with her/his Companion

  • engaging in ministry of service

  • studying Franciscanism and Scripture

  • considering participation in spiritual direction

  • participating in an annual retreat


To learn more about how to become a Sojourner, view the Sojourner Relationship Handbook. Questions? Call us at 563-242-7611 or use the Contact Us form.


"Being a Sojourner has been so helpful to me in the fact that, finally, at a rather late stage in life, I have developed a spirituality that works for me. Realizing my place in Creation with all of God's creatures has been invaluable, especially during the pandemic."
- Sojourner Dick Roberts