Franciscan Peace Center

The Franciscan Peace Center was created to promote active nonviolence in society. Integrating Franciscan spirituality with action, the Center carries out the advocacy work of the corporate public stands taken by the Clinton Franciscans. These issues include nuclear disarmament, immigration reform, abolition of the death penalty, care for creation, abolishing human trafficking, and promoting human rights and decreasing income inequality.


That work can take many forms: influencing lawmakers, prayer, educating individuals, mobilizing citizens to participate in the democratic process, and giving a voice to impoverished and marginalized people. The Franciscan Peace Center sponsors events and programming to help accomplish our advocacy goals and to educate people about active nonviolence.


The Action Alert Digest is a weekly compilation of current news about these mission issues. It also includes opportunities for individuals to take action online to join in advocacy efforts. You are invited to sign up to receive the weekly Action Alert Digest emails by clicking HERE.


For a listing of upcoming programs, please visit the News & Events page.


The Franciscan Peace Center invites you to explore each of these topics to learn what they have done, what they are currently doing, what needs to be done, and how you can be part of the solutions. Are you inspired to make a commitment? Learn how you can make a difference in the Get Involved section of our website.

The Franciscan Peace Center is guided by these principles:


The Two Feet of Social Action      

People often think of social action as works of charity. Others label works of charity as social justice. The two feet of social action model, developed by Msgr. Marv Mottet of the Diocese of Davenport, Iowa, visually makes clear that social action involves both charitable works and social justice efforts aimed at root causes and systemic change.


Catholic Social Teaching     

The Catholic Church has a rich history of teachings on social concerns, beginning with Rerum Novarum (On the Condition of Labor) in 1891 up through the encyclical Fratelli Tutti in 2020. The teachings consist of seven basic themes, which guide concerns of implementation. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has provided a description of the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching, along with a list of the Church documents on social concerns on its website.


Death Penalty

In states that allow the death penalty, we encourage residents to write their legislators and otherwise work to change the death penalty laws.

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Nuclear Disarmament

It has been more than 75 years since the United States dropped the first atomic bombs on Japan and yet nuclear weapons continue to be included in the national security policies for several countries around the world. 

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Immigration Reform

Americans are justifiably frustrated and angry with our outdated and broken immigration system. The problem is complex, and a comprehensive, national solution is necessary.

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Human Trafficking

At any given moment, it is estimated that nearly 25 million people are being victimized in situations of trafficking and exploitation worldwide. 25% of these are children.

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Care of Creation

As Franciscans, we are committed to caring for the Earth. Saint Francis saw all creation as brother and sister - all one in the family of God.

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Basic Human Rights and Income Inequality

We, the Sisters of St. Francis, Sojourners, and Associates, recognize the inherent sacredness and dignity of each person and that we are all one human family. We believe that every person has a basic human right to an adequate income, safe and affordable housing, food security, affordable health care, quality education, and equal protection of the law.  

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