The Franciscan Peace Connection, located in the San Diego-area, is an outreach ministry of the Sisters of St. Francis. Click to learn more:
Franciscan Peace Connection
The Franciscan Peace Connection was co-founded by Sister LaVern Olberding and Sojourner Julie Fawley in La Mesa, California, in 2012. An outreach ministry of the Sisters of St. Francis, the Franciscan Peace Connection initiatives focus on spreading what is known about nonviolence and peacemaking by connecting and collaborating with individuals, groups, nonprofit organizations, schools, and neighborhoods.
The Franciscan Peace Connection team includes Sisters, Sojourners, and Associates, as well as married and single adults, teenagers, and individuals who share our vision and desire to live and promote active nonviolence and peacemaking.
We have a small, intimate welcoming space on La Mesa Boulevard. However, we aspire to connect and collaborate with larger groups in community settings. We are available to meet with individuals and small groups, and we are prepared to do trainings, retreats, days of reflection, and more.
We invite you to join us as instruments of peace! Collectively and consciously we can increase our human vibration until we are in synergy with the universe, where all live as One!
About Our Logo
The blue/green circle... all of creation is one, interconnected, and evolving relationship. We humans are the midwives and stewards of all created things.
The brown Tau... the Tau, our universal Franciscan symbol, reflects our rootedness in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, our personal commitment to conversion, and our choice to be instruments of peace.
The lighthouse... lighthouses welcome and illuminate without judgment and/or discrimination. The members of the Franciscan Peace Connection strive to do the same.
Note: Due to the ongoing pandemic, certain programming may not be available. Please contact us to learn of our current offerings. Thank you!
Anatomy of Bullying and Being Bullied: We welcome volunteers who wish to assist as we continue to develop programming and resources for all ages, especially middle school-aged children.
Angel Guides and Mentors: One-on-one and/or group gatherings that introduce and empower our relationship with non-physical beings.
Anger Management: Court-ordered weekly sessions.
Art Therapy: Inquire about opportunities for older and younger individuals.
Book Study Groups: Our primary intent is to help you start a book study group in your home, church, neighborhood. We have experience with the following titles and are prepared to assist until you feel confident:
- Come, Follow Me: The Commandments of Jesus/Invitation to Discipleship by Anthony J. Gittins
- The Conscious Universe by Dean Radin
- The Emotion Code by Bradley Nelson
- Entangled Minds by Dean Radin
- The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe by Lynne McTaggart
- The Legend of the Light-Bearers by Dr. Joe Rubino
- The Magic Lantern by Dr. Joe Rubino
- The Paradox of Power: From Control to Compassion by Michael Crosby
- A Presence That Disturbs: A Call to Radical Discipleship by Anthony J. Gittins
- The Seven Blessings by Dr. Joe Rubino
- Zero Limits by Joe Vitale
Brown Bag Lunches: Bring your lunch and gather to discuss a topic, share faith, plan an activity.
Care of Our Environment and the Earth Discussion/Action Group: Meets the first Monday of each month at the Franciscan Peace Connection from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Inquire about homemade fruit/vegetable net bags, which replace the store-provided plastic bags. Bring your lunch and your own helpful hints to preserve God's creation.
Care of Poor and Marginalized Persons Focus Group: Meets the second Tuesday of each month at the Franciscan Peace Connection from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. We explore creative and practical ways to raise our collective consciousness and become more proactive in addressing the inflated number and needs of poor and marginalized persons. Our ministry with the Outdoor Folks, Project Warm Feet, Self-Esteem and Empowerment options, Blue Ribbon Story, and the Fall Apron Project evolved from this focus group.
Contemplative Practices:
- Centering Prayer: 1st Saturday from 8:45 to 10:00 a.m.
- Contemplation: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m.
- Guided Meditation: 2nd Saturday from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m.
Creative Nonviolence Education: Talk to us about facilitating a program at your church, school, or organization.
- Implementing the Blue Ribbon Story (one presentation)
- Effective Tools for Nonviolent Living (four sessions)
- Choosing Compassion: The Paradox of Power (6-part DVD by Michael Crosby)
Principles of Nonviolence Series (six sessions)
Raising Our Consciousness regarding Violence at Home (three sessions)
Raising Our Consciousness regarding Violence at School (three sessions)
Raising Our Consciousness regarding Violence in Relationships (three sessions)
Transforming Power of Nonviolence Series (three sessions)
Violence to Wholeness Series (ten sessions)
DVD Discussion Groups: These two- to three-hour sessions are very thought-provoking and meant to challenge the status quo "modus operandi."
Effortless Success: Jack Canfield's audio self-help series. Individual or group process by appointment.
Eliminate Limiting Beliefs that Sabotage Our Growth, Health, and Well Being: Schedule one-on-one and/or group sessions to learn more about this freeing process.
Empowerment Retreat Opportunities: One day or overnight options for women, bi-polar individuals, couples, families, grieving individuals, parenting and teaching Indigo children, single parents, staff members, teenagers, unemployed, young adults, and others.
Energy Education and Practice: Individual or group presentations available in your home or office. Chakra Alignment and Maintenance - Emotional Freedom Technique - Emotion Code - Emotional Release Technique - Energy Medicine - Energy Phycology - Energy Tool Chest Series.
Feng Shui: Education, Helpful Hints, and Consultation: Schedule a group presentation in your home or office. Our certified team member is willing to do (and is very successful with) long distance consultations. If interested, contact Sonya at 619-219-0303.
Franciscan Perspectives:
- Following in the Footsteps with Francis and Clare.
- Franciscan Spirituality Circles - meet on 1st and 3rd Mondays at the Franciscan Peace Connection. Two options for participation from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. or 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
- Franciscan Spirituality and the Discipleship of Nonviolence - meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at the Franciscan Peace Connection from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Bring your lunch and an open mind. These sessions have a tendency to jolt our consciousness regarding our own forms of violence.
- Franciscan Mini-Peace Course (three sessions).
Healthy Grieving Support Circles: Inquire regarding evening and weekend meeting time.
Ho'Oponopono Learning Circles: Ancient Hawaiian cleansing/forgiveness lifestyle groups.
Immigration Reform Education Group: Inquire for a day and time.
Labyrinth Experience: Follow the path of a labyrinth using your finger on a two-dimensional model and experience the same challenging, confronting, and enlightening awareness as if you were actually walking a real labyrinth.
Movement Therapy: Dance, Spring Forest Qigong, Tai Chi, and Yoga.
Music Therapy: Music has the power to heal the body, mind, and soul. Make arrangements to attend and listen.
Nonviolence as a Way of Life: Call to set up a plan of action for yourself, your family, or group.
Numerology: Call to make an appointment.
Paraliminal/Holosync Audio Therapy: Contact our office to set up a self-growth plan. We have 38 different themes to help you overcome internal obstacles and achieve your personal and professional goals.
Parenting/Teaching/Coaching with Self Esteem and Empathy: Five-session series designed for adults, as well as age-specific groups for the rest of the family. We want to facilitate this series in churches, schools, community centers, and beyond.
Respect All Life Ethics: Presentation adaptable to your group specifications.
Space Clearing: Our certified consultant will come to your home or office and release trapped energy that interferes with healthy energy flow.
Stress Reduction: Contact us if interested in a support group or one-on-one session.
Taize Prayer Around the Cross: A one-hour "letting go" experience that includes chant, silence, and intercessions. This form of prayer began in France in 1941 to intercede for worldwide peace and reconciliation.
Young Living Essential Oils: Contact us regarding your interest in hosting an informational gathering.
Young Mothers Learning Circles: For young mothers seeking others with whom to learn and grow.
8654 La Mesa Boulevard, Suite A
La Mesa, CA 91941
(p) 619-890-9846