Reducing Gun Violence

This Lent, supporters of Nuns Against Gun Violence have pledged to fast for an end to gun violence. To date, more than 316 participants have pledged to offer their personal sacrifice and prayer for a more peaceful society. Organizers invite members of its coalition congregations and all like-minded individuals to join in this fast against gun violence. Participants will join their hearts, minds and bodies in a sacrifice—according to each one’s capability—as an expression of love, in a spirit of generosity, willingly abstaining from food and drink or undertaking other meaningful sacrifices as they put forth a united call for people to lay down their guns and enact gun violence prevention legislation.  Learn more about the fast and how you can take part by clicking HERE.


Learn more about relevant legislation in Congress that addresses gun violence prevention and contact Congress to advocate for responsible gun laws. 




Novena Against Gun Violence

by Michele Bisaillon, DHS


Loving God, You created for us a world of beauty, order and endless possibilities. But today ours is a world often in chaos: war, famine, drought, so many “isms”, lack of respect for life and for one another.


In this country we face these issues day after day. One of these is uppermost in our minds these days—the horror of gun violence which continues to ravage our nation, our society, our people, even the youngest of our children.


Spirit God, we give you all names: Holy, Sanctifier, Paraclete, Advocate. Yet you are so much more: Challenger, Nudger, whirling Wind and engulfing Fire, Mover, Enabler, Lover, Breath of Life.


Be that for us, we pray. Instill in us your gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, reverence and awe. Pentecost us. Enable us to be as daring as the newly inspired apostles—to be bold in our defense of the right of all persons to feel safe wherever we are, unafraid of being forever silenced by those who are armed with weapons and anger and sometimes even hatred.


Give us the courage to speak the Word. Give us the audacity to take the actions needed to end this needless violence.


In the name of our Creator God, in the name of the Word of Life and in the name of the Fire of Love. Amen.


Source: Nuns Against Gun Violence





On November 8, 2023, Nuns Against Gun Violence held a webinar entitled, “Beating Guns: Hope For People Who Are Weary of Violence.”  Our featured speaker was activist, Shane Claiborne.  He was joined by Sr. Patricia Millen, OSF, and Sr. Annette McDermott, SSJ, who presented information about how their respective communities are working to reduce gun violence. Click HERE to view a recording of the webinar.


Gun violence affects countless lives in our country. Read the stories of survivors and volunteers with Moms Demand Action.


Listen to an episode of Brady’s podcast Red, Blue, and Brady to learn more about the epidemic of firearm woundings and death in the United States and Brady’s efforts to end gun violence.


Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence offers their Annual Gun Law Scorecard that assesses how gun laws and gun violence are related in each state. Look at the statistics for Iowa and compare them to another state.


The John Hopkins National Survey of Gun Policy tracks Americans’ support of gun policies. Their 2023 survey reveals strong support for evidence-based solutions to gun violence.


What do young people think about guns and gun violence? Everytown For Gun Safety Support Fund, Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and American University’s Polarization and Extremism Research and Innovation Lab (PERIL) studied young people’s views of guns and gun violence in our country. Read the results in their report, Youth Attitudes on Guns.




TAKE ACTION: Demand the Senate Pass Expanded Background Checks Now

Requiring background checks on all firearm sales is a sensible reform that we know would protect children from gun violence. But even though the Senate has introduced a new background checks bill, it hasn't yet been brought to a vote – and we need to make sure this lifesaving legislation advances as soon as possible. Sandy Hook Promise urges us to sign their petition urging the Senate to pass expanded background checks.  TAKE ACTION


TAKE ACTION: Establish a Federal Office of Gun Violence Prevention

The #1 cause of death for children is gun violence. A focused and intentional office of gun violence prevention at the federal level is one way to make a real difference in lowering the biggest scourge on our society today. The Peace Alliance urges us to tell our federal legislators to support and co-sponsor HR 1699 or S 951 to establish a federal Office of Gun Violence Prevention. TAKE ACTION


TAKE ACTION: Urge President Joe Biden and Congress to Ban Weapons of War

Military-style semi-automatic assault weapons are designed to efficiently kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time available. There is absolutely no reason for assault rifles, assault pistols, and assault shotguns to be sold on the civilian market. Americans deserve a strong response from the federal government to keep our families and communities safe. The Newtown Action Alliance asks us to sign their petition to President Biden and Congress to ban assault weapons. TAKE ACTION
