The "Center" podcast: St. Ann's church of Baltimore - Part 1

February 9, 2023
START TIME: 12:00 pm  |  END TIME: 12:30 pm

The American Catholic experience for people of color has been vastly different from the experience of White American Catholics.  As the church struggles to evolve into a richer and more inclusive home for all, one fact stands out: the church has never made a Black American Catholic a saint.  This absence of an African American saint leaves a gap in the spiritual lives of 3 million Black Catholics in the United States.  Saint Ann’s Catholic Church, a predominantly African American congregation in the East Baltimore Midway neighborhood, is leading the call for the canonization of six Black Catholics who have been true heroes of faith. In this episode, host Marsha Thrall speaks with the members of the St. Ann’s Social Justice Committee to learn more about the campaign.

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