Movies That Matter - Informing Your Vote: "One Person One Vote?"

September 11, 2024 - September 25, 2024
START TIME: 12:00 am  |  END TIME: 11:45 pm

The “Movies That Matter: Informing Your Vote” series from the Franciscan Peace Center continues in September with a virtual screening of One Person, One Vote?


At a time when many Americans question democratic institutions, One Person, One Vote? unveils the complexities of the Electoral College, the uniquely American and often misunderstood mechanism for electing a president. The documentary follows four presidential electors representing different parties in Colorado during the intense 2020 election.


After registering for the event, participants will receive a link to view the film online at their convenience between September 11-25.  Viewers are invited to attend our online discussion session on September 26 at 6:00 PM CDT. A Zoom link to the online discussion will be provided upon registration.


There is no cost associated with viewing the films or participating in the discussion session.


Please click here to register:



The “Movies That Matter: Informing Your Vote” series offers monthly access to thought-provoking documentaries addressing a spectrum of topics relevant to voters, including immigration, gun violence, overcoming partisanship, care of the Earth, voting rights, and more. Each film will be available for streaming over a two-week period, providing ample opportunity for reflection and dialogue.


A preview of the film is available below:




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