The Sisters of St. Francis are pleased to announce that Marsha Thrall has been hired as the Director of Programming for the Franciscan Peace Center.
In this newly created position, Marsha’s primary responsibility will be to develop creative and innovative programming both in person and online. These programs will focus on creating transformative skills and capacities to live out the principles of active nonviolence, the Corporate stands of the Clinton Franciscan family, and Catholic Social Teaching. There will be a particular emphasis on promoting social justice, a healthy environment, and racial equity through active nonviolence.
Marsha joins a three-person team with Jennifer Kryszak, Director of Strategic Planning, and Laura Anderson, Director of Digital Outreach and Advocacy. The team is responsible for coordinating communications, collaboration, outreach and advocacy efforts, and designing initiatives and programs for the Franciscan Peace Center.
Since she began work with the Franciscan Peace Center in June, Marsha immediately became actively involved with the Clinton Juneteenth celebration last month as well as leading a collaboration between several area organizations to set up a free community screening of the Disney film, Encanto at the Sawmill Museum in Clinton on August 15th at 8:15 pm. The film celebrates both the diversity of our country as well as the challenges faced by our immigrant brothers and sisters.
Before joining the Franciscan Peace Center, Marsha served in various interim Religious Education roles within the Unitarian Universalist Church in Brookfield, WI, Silver Spring, MD, and most recently in Coralville, IA. She holds a dual B.A. in Theology and Philosophy, with a certificate in Peacebuilding from Mount Mary University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin as well as a Master of Theological Studies at Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary. She is currently in Ph.D. pre-candidacy at Chicago Theological Seminary studying Religion, Ethics, and Cultural Studies
Marsha has also served in the AmeriCorps working on the problem of hunger within both homeless and underserved populations in Milwaukee and also as a Community Education Coordinator for Clock Shadow Creamery, as well as numerous volunteer experiences.
Sisters of St. Francis President, Jan Cebula, OSF says, “Last year, the Sisters of St. Francis made a seven-year commitment to transition to Integral Ecology as part of the global Laudato Si’ Action Platform. We especially look forward to Marsha’s leadership not only in bringing that commitment to fruition but to carrying the mission of active nonviolence into the future.”
As Marsha states, “I am excited about this opportunity to work with the greater Clinton community to live out my commitments to learning and organizing together to be agents of social equity.”
The Franciscan Peace Center was established by the Sisters of St. Francis as a means of integrating Franciscan spirituality with the mission of promoting active nonviolence and peacemaking. The Center’s efforts focus on the corporate stands of the Clinton Franciscans on immigration reform, care for Creation, human trafficking, human rights, and income inequality, and the abolition of the death penalty and nuclear weapons.