Clinton Franciscan Journey to a New Corporate Mission

In the late 1980s one sister participated in a Faith and Resistance Retreat and civil disobedience. She and others began participating in retreats and actions at the Nevada Nuclear Test Site. Several sisters participated in a workshop on nonviolence training. This led to the Sisters of St. Francis communal journey into identifying a new mission.


“Peace requires the force of meekness, the nonviolent strength of the truth and of love.”

- Pope Francis

In 1992, the congregation committed themselves to a deeper understanding of active nonviolence. In 1996, they committed themselves to the practice of active nonviolence as a way of life. In 2000, they added the commitment to promote nonviolence in society which led to the creation of the “Center” for Active Nonviolence, now called the Franciscan Peace Center. In 2004, they recognized that living and promoting active nonviolence and peacemaking had become their corporate mission. In 2012, the Franciscan Peace Connection outreach ministry was established in La Mesa, California.


Read more about the journey to a new corporate mission on the history page.
